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Natural Climate Systems
Heating & cooling with the power of nature


The water-operated ceiling system by ArgillaTherm fulfills the three main tasks of modern building air-conditioning with only one area: energy-efficient cooling and heating as well as reliable humidity control without the need of system technology.

The basic or base material of the system are the patented HUMID modules. They regulate the humidity in a room in a unique way with their material composition. Click here for further information on HUMID modules.

ArgillaTherm Natur-Klimadecke zum Heizen und Kühlen und zur Feuchteregulierung mit HUMID-Modulen

Range of application

The air-conditioning turn: heating, cooling, ventilation – reinvented

Up until the 1990s, the overall building air-conditioning, i. e. heating, cooling, and the extraction of CO2, moisture, and pollutants, was almost exclusively covered by central ventilation systems. Due to the outdated energy efficiency and the vast efforts for maintenance, area systems took over heating and cooling from the 1990s onwards. Since then, central ventilation systems are only used for the discharge of CO2, moisture, and pollutants. But why is that?

Area systems cannot regulate the room air humidity, which leads to a quick increase of the humidity ratio in particular when cooling buildings, and ultimately causes the shut-down of the cooling process. Central ventilation systems are used to delay this as the high air volume will carry away a certain share of the humidity to be discharged. The fresh air supply must be dehumidified starting at a dew point of 20 °C (approx. 20 % of the summer days). This consumes a lot of energy; compared to the actual energy costs for cooling that corresponds to an addition of approx. 60 %.

Central ventilation systems are not required to discharge CO2 and pollutants to a sufficient extent. The necessary air volumes can be easily moved by decentralized ventilation systems or natural ventilation, i. e. through windows.

With the natural air-conditioning systems of ArgillaTherm, the HUMID modules take on the humidity management. Central ventilation systems are therefore no longer required!

The combination of the HUMID modules with decentralized ventilation concepts sets new standards in terms of building air-conditioning, with the following advantages:

  • Reduction of the total investment by 15 to 30 %.
  • Reduction of the maintenance and service costs by at least 60 %.
  • Safe utilization of the arising moisture in the building (reliable simulations on the humidity behavior can be prepared on request).
  • Cooling can be permanently operated with a supply temperature of up to 6 °C below the dew point. Prerequisite for unrivaled high cooling capacities and an uninterrupted cooling operation.
  • The system responds quickly and generates unrivaled high capacities for heating and cooling. This is owed to the system structure and the highly conductive base material – the HUMIDs.
  • Building air-conditioning is virtually CO2-neutral, which has an extremely positive effect on the eco-balance of the building and provides for funding opportunities.
  • Minimum space requirement, complete omission of ventilation pipes inside the building.
  • Optimized room air humidity – in summer and winter.
  • Room climate suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Bottom line: this is an energy-efficient, cost-effective, and virtually CO2-neutral air-conditioning system for the creation of the perfect room climate.

System structure

ArgillaTherm system structure, natural heating and cooling

The overall structure height is only 55 mm. This system can be mounted directly to the ceiling or suspended from the ceiling by means of lathing or suspenders, as desired.

Possible ceiling arrangements

Full-surface with pendant luminaires

Full-surface with acoustic elements

Full-surface with surface-mounted luminaires

Full-surface with pendant luminaires & downlights

Ceilings and slanted ceilings

Single ceiling panels

Arrangement between beams

Partial ceiling covering

Partial area without color coating

Floating ceiling panel fastened to the ceiling

Prefabricated ceiling panels


Please request system descriptions, detail drawings, test reports and specifications via e-mail (info@argillatherm.de) or the below contact form.

    Please provide me with the technical documents on the water-operated system (ceiling).

    I am interested in a 15-minute telephone call for a free basic calculation.

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