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Natural Climate Systems
Heating & cooling with the power of nature


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

The Circus Hotel


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)



Psychatrie in Glee mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

New clinic building



Schools and daycares

Health care buildings

ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

Ministry of Finance


Wohnungsbau mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Residential complex


Kunsthaus Wiesbaden mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Art house


Office and administrative buildings

Residential buildings

Museums and special constructions


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)


Schule in Ulm mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Schools and daycares

Psychatrie in Glee mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Health care buildings

ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

Office and administrative buildings

Wohnungsbau mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Residential buildings

Kulturhaus Wiesbaden mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Museums and special constructions


1. Installation level

ArgillaTherm Natur-Klimadecke während des Systemaufbaus

Modern office area with natural climate ceiling during system construction

HUMID neutral module to cover surfaces, which are not actively cooled / heated

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules prior to covering with neutral modules

Anbringung der HUMID Modelle an der Decke zur Klimatisierung des Gebäudes

Installation of HUMID modules at the ceiling

2. Heating/cooling level

Combination of straight ceiling with slanted ceilings

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules and installed spacers with signal antenna for plastering-in

All walls incl. ceiling with HUMID modules, groove structure of wall surfaces already filled with lime plaster

All walls incl. ceiling with HUMID modules, groove structure of wall surfaces already filled with lime plaster

ArgillaTherm wSYSTEM im Aufbau bei der Pionierkaserne Ulm

2,000 m² cooling and heating surfaces within the Pionierkaserne Ulm

Heating circuit manifold in the intermediate ceiling, access via inspection openings

70 m² ceiling surface prior to surface coating

Ceiling surface with HUMID manifold module for up to 6 heating circuits (connection width only 28cm), securing of pipe with perforated stainless steel tape

HUMID modules after and before pipe installation

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules and neutral modules for luminaire areas

Combination of water-based wall heating with ceiling cooling

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules, integration of ventilation system in the neutral module

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules, integration of spot lights in the modules

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules, integration of luminaire areas in the modules

Ceiling surface with HUMID modules, integration of luminaires in the modules

HUMID Modelle in einem Deckensegel zur Klimatisierung des Gebäudes

Floating ceiling panel with HUMID modules

3. Surface coating

Wall heating in a detached house in the Netherlands

Verputzen der HUMID-Module mit Kalkputz

Plastering of HUMID modules with natural lime plaster

ArgillaTherm HochLeistungsLehm-Module mit Lichtschiene

HUMID modules with integrated trunking luminaire during coating

Verputzen der HUMID-Module an der Decke

Plastering of HUMID modules with universal plaster made of loam

4. Finished ceilings

Natur-Klimadecke von ArgillaTherm bei der solar decathlon

Area-wide natural climate ceiling at the architecture competition “Solar Decathlon Europe” 2022

ArgillaTherm LehmModule in einem fertig gestalteten Wohnhaus

Area-wide heating/cooling ceiling in the first single-part 3D concrete house worldwide located in Belgium

ArgillaTherm Deckenheizung und -kühlung mit Ringabsorber

Area-wide heating/cooling ceiling, incl. ring absorber, in the first single-part 3D concrete house worldwide located in Belgium

ArgillaTherm Natur-Klimadecke im Schulungsraum der HAGA AG

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the wellness area of a bio-hotel

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel room

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel restaurant

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel room

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel lobby

ArgillaTherm, Referenzen, Krankenhauszimmer, Krankenhaus, Klinik, Heizen, Kühlen, Kühlsystem, Raumklima, wohngesund, Gesundheit

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a clinic

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a clinic

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel room

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a hotel room

ArgillaTherm, wSystem, Kühldecke, Heizen, Kühlen, Flächenheizung, Hochleistungs-Lehmmodule,

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling with inserted lighting cassette in dry construction frame

Partial-area heating / cooling ceiling (climate element) in the corridor area of a detached house

Partial-area heating / cooling ceiling (climate element) in the living room / kitchen of a detached house

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the kitchen area of a boarding house

ArgillaTherm, Referenz, Boardinghous, Konferenzraum, Naturklimadecke, Heizen, Kühlen, Raumklima, Hochleistungs-Lehmmodule, Soprtionsfähigkeit

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the conference room of a boarding house

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the wellness area of a hotel

Climate element integrated in the surface after surface coating

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a detached house with indirect lighting

ArgillaTherm, Referenz, wSystem, Bürogebäude, Besprechungsraum, Heizdecke, Kühldecke, heizen, kühlen, Kühldecke, Flächenheizung, Flächenkühlung

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the meeting room of an office building

ArgillaTherm, Referenz, wSystem, Büro, Bürogebäude, Deckenkühlung, Kühlung, Flächenkühlung, Deckenheizung, Heizung, Heizen, Hochleistungs-Lehmmodule

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in the corridor area of an office building

ArgillaTherm, Referenz, Deckensegel, Einfamilienhaus, Deckenkühlung, Deckenheizung, Flächenheizung, Kühldecke, Naturklimadecke

Partial-area heating / cooling ceiling (climate element) in a detached house

ArgillaTherm, Referenz, Ringabsorger, Schallschutz, Akustiklösung, Konferenzraum, Kühldecke, Deckenheizung, Hochleistungs-Lehmmodule, Lehmklima

Area-wide heating / cooling ceiling in a conference room with integrated ring sound absorber system