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Natural Climate Systems
Heating & cooling with the power of nature

Low-Tech air-conditioning for buildings

Moisture-free cooling and healthy heating with the power of nature. For sustainable and energy-efficient building concepts in new and existing non-residential and residential buildings. Special funding is possible.

HUMID-modules protect from overmoistening

At the heart of the natural climate systems are patented HUMID-modules with a uniquely high proportion of polar clay minerals. The cooling system can be operated with a flow temperature of up to 6°C below the dew point.

CO2 guided

The required air volumes are reduced by a good 50 %, making centralised ventilation systems superfluous. The total investment is reduced by
10-30 % and operating, maintenance and consumption costs by around 50 %.

Heating & cooling with the power of nature

Low-Tech air-conditioning for buildings

Moisture-free cooling and healthy heating with the power of nature. For sustainable and energy-efficient building concepts in new and existing non-residential and residential buildings. Special funding is possible.

HUMID modules protect from overmoistening

At the heart of the natural climate systems are patented HUMID modules with a uniquely high proportion of polar clay minerals. The cooling system can be operated with a flow temperature of up to 6°C below the dew point.

CO2 guided

The required air volumes are reduced by a good 50 %, making centralised ventilation systems superfluous. The total investment is reduced by
10-30 % and operating, maintenance and consumption costs by around 50 %.

HUMID modules increase the moisture regulation of clay twentyfold

Patented HUMID modules form the basis or carrier material for all natural climate systems. Due to the material composition and the unique manufacturing process, enormous amounts of moisture can be absorbed, stored and released again without swelling, shrinkage or cracking. At peak times, up to 1.7 litres per square metre of module surface. The production of HUMIDs is virtually CO2 neutral, which is certified by an EPD. The EPD dataset can be found in the ÖKOBAUDAT of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building.
ArgillaTherm, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung, Lehmklima, Lehmklima-Module

HUMID modules increase the moisture regulation of clay twentyfold

Patented HUMID modules form the basis or carrier material for all natural climate systems. Due to the material composition and the unique manufacturing process, enormous amounts of moisture can be absorbed, stored and released again without swelling, shrinkage or cracking. At peak times, up to 1.7 litres per square metre of module surface. The production of HUMIDs is virtually CO2 neutral, which is certified by an EPD. The EPD dataset can be found in the ÖKOBAUDAT of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building.


All natural climate systems are offered as complete solutions, i.e. we supply all the required materials.

ceiling system

for heating and cooling

wall system

for heating and cooling

floor system

for heating and cooling

Electric ceiling system

for heating

Ceiling system

for room dehumidification

Wall system

for room dehumidification

ArgillaTherm system structure, natural heating and cooling


All natural climate systems are offered as complete solutions, i.e. we supply all the required materials.

ceiling system

wall system

floor system

ceiling system

Ceiling system for
room dehumidification

Wall system for
room dehumidification

The air conditioning turnaround – rethinking heating, cooling and ventilation

In a powerful cooperation, ArgillaTherm and SIEGENIA are now pooling their expertise to create a completely new type of complete solution for commercial buildings. The innovative overall system from the two companies is energy-efficient, humidity-regulating, nearly CO2-neutral and is characterized by noticeably lower acquisition costs and massive savings during operation compared to conventional concepts.


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

The Circus Hotel


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)



Psychatrie in Glee mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

New clinic building



Schools and daycares

Health care buildings

ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

Ministry of Finance


Wohnungsbau mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Residential complex


Kunsthaus Wiesbaden mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Art house


Office and administrative buildings

Residential buildings

Museums and special constructions


ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)


Schule in Ulm mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Schools and daycares

Psychatrie in Glee mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Health care buildings

ArgillaTherm, Lehmmodul, Klimadecke, Deckenheizung, Deckenkühlung (Bild: Gemeinde Schorfheide)

Office and administrative buildings

Wohnungsbau mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Residential buildings

Kulturhaus Wiesbaden mit ArgillaTherm Naturklimasystem als Gebäudeklimatisierung

Museums and special constructions


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